Welcome to the Tri-Valley Transportation Council

The Tri-Valley Transportation Council (“TVTC”) is a joint powers authority formed pursuant to a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement establishing the Tri-Valley Transportation Council, among the County of Alameda, the County of Contra Costa, the City of Livermore, the City of Pleasanton, the City of San Ramon, the City of Dublin, and the Town of Danville. 

The TVTC periodically evaluates the impacts of projected land uses on regional transportation infrastructure in the Tri-Valley area. The TVTC oversees the expenditures of the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fund.


TVTC schedules quarterly meetings that are open to the public. These meetings are held at Danville Town Offices, Community Meeting Room, 500 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526. In addition, pursuant to Government Section 54953(b), some members of the Board may participate in meetings via teleconference. If Board members are participating via teleconference, teleconference meeting locations will be identified on the meeting agendas and the teleconference meeting locations will be open to the public, except as provided in Government Section 54953(e)(1).

Council Members

STAFF Contacts

Boundary Map

Contact information

Diane Friedmann - TVTC Administrator
Development Services Director   - TVTC Administrative Staff
Town of Danville
500 La Gonda Way
Danville, CA 94526

Tel: (925) 314-3378
email: dfriedmann@danville.ca.gov